Thursday, September 17, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I finally watched "Slumdog Millionaire" and it was a great movie. I don't know that it deserved best picture at last year's Academy Awards but it was a very good movie. One thing it did do is stir a desire to watch other movies from "Bollywood". I have bee a fan of foreign movies before this but to say that out loud to other people makes one sound like a snob (which is what I am really).
Slumdog isn't for children under 12. I think a child needs to have a sense of how other children live in other parts of the world but I think this has enough violence in it to really scare a younger child. Being aware and being fearful should be kept far apart in a childs world.
I would like my daughter to see this movie, she is 16 and should be able to handle it. If I have to sit through "The Ugly Truth" then she can sit through "Slumdog".

An Old Lady Recommends:

Babette's Feast, Amelie, and A Beautiful Life.

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