Sunday, September 20, 2009

Love Happens

My daughter, my Aunt and I went to see "Love Happens" on Friday night. It stars Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart. I enjoyed this movie and laughed a lot. I also cried a lot (those of you who know me won't be surprised by that statement). Could it have been better written or directed or could the stars have done a better job acting, sure. But I go to the movies to be entertained and this movie was entertaining. Eckhart is good looking. Aniston is cute, but I thought she was channeling Rachel from "Friends" a good part of the movie. But I love "Friends" so that didn't bother me much. The movie was funny and touching and you got so see some great shots of Seattle (much better than "Sleepless in Seattle" or "Grey's Anatomy"). The shot from atop the space needle is breath-taking and makes me want to go visit Seattle. It has a good supporting cast and the guy that plays the grieving dad in the movie did a terrific job. The scene at Home Depot is so surprising and touching that it made me want to go buy some power tools. I would recommend this film to all of those women out there who just want a good laugh or cry. I would not recommend this as a date movie or a movie to take your entire family too. Kids under 12 won't understand what is going on and husband's will be bored. It is just a fun movie to go to with your girlfriends on a girl's night out.

The Old Lady Recommends: "Love Happens", "When Harry Met Sally" and "Sleepless in Seattle"

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