Monday, September 7, 2009


Let's see, another Gerard Butler movie. Do you sense a trend here? Yes I like Gerard Butler. I didn't like this movie. It was a cross between "The Running Man", "Tron", and "Death Race". Good guy is set up and becomes a pawn in an evil genius' plan to rule the world. The guy from "Dexter" is the evil genius and he does a great job. He really gives you the feeling that he takes his roles seriously. I think his name is Michael C. Hall? He was on "Six Feet Under" also. There is a cast of who's who in this movie. Kyra Sedgwick is okay but you don't ever get a feel for her character. The movie just couldn't make up its mind, violence and sex in every scene or a movie with a message. The message was, don't turn your life over to others, live it yourself. Yada, yada. I was very disappointed in this movie but anytime you can sit in the dark and watch Gerard Butler is a good thing.

The old lady recommends: "The Running Man" and "Death Race" the 2008 version.

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