Sunday, December 13, 2009


My daughter Kate and I went to see 'Invictus' yesterday. It was great. I really enjoyed this film and it made me feel so good that when I left the theater I vowed to turn over a new leaf and be kinder to my fellow man. That lasted until we got into the car and tried fighting all the crazed Christmas shoppers out on the streets of Denver. Invictus is Clint Eastwood's retelling of a small part of Nelson Mandella's first days as President of South Africa and his plan to unite his country. Everyone should see this movie. It is terrific. I have always been a big fan of Clint Eastwood when he is directing a movie. He is an incredible director and writer. I have loved Morgan Freeman ever since "Glory" and have followed his career. I only hope that the movie, Eastwood, and Freeman all receive Academy nods in the spring. I recommend anything with Morgan Freeman in the film, including "Bruce Almighty" when he plays God, "The Shawshank Redemption", "Glory", "The Bucket List" where he holds his own with Jack Nicholson (which you have to admit is a very daunting task in itself) and "Driving Miss Daisy".

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