Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Ugly Truth

I enjoyed "The Ugly Truth" with Gerard Butler (very handsome) and Katherine Heigl (very pretty). It is one of those movies that could have been a lot better if they had gotten rid of the constant sex talk. The scene with the vibrating panties was funny but we have seen that before in "When Harry Met Sally". Mr. Butler is very easy on the eyes and funny. His face tells a great story, from heartbreak all the way to pure joy. Ms. Heigl is pretty and annoying. It is hard to believe that she would have a hard time finding a man with her looks. She has a list of what she wants in a man. She is looking for a man that will make her feel more like a woman instead of the machine that she has turned herself into. Of course, they fall in love and she has to dump her "perfect" man. It is an okay movie, my 16-year-old daughter really liked it. We have had to watch it twice now. It is R-rated and I debated as to whether to take her to this movie but I wanted her to see how men can be jerks. Unfortunately, the movie proved that women can be just as bad or worse than the guys. This movie could have been much better and made its point just as well without all of the bad language and all the sex talk. It went for the easy laugh and that is unfortunate. If you want to see Gerard Butler at his best, watch "Dear Frankie" or "P.S. I Love You". Both of those movies are at your local library and well worth the time.